“May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.”

"This report is maybe 12-years-old. Parliament buried it, and it stayed buried till River dug it up. This is what they feared she knew. And they were right to fear because there's a whole universe of folk who are gonna know it, too. They're gonna see it. Somebody has to speak for these people. You all got on this boat for different reasons, but you all come to the same place. So now I'm asking more of you than I have before. Maybe all. Sure as I know anything I know this, they will try again. Maybe on another world, maybe on this very ground swept clean. A year from now, 10, they'll swing back to the belief that they can make people . . . better. And I do not hold to that. So no more running. I aim to misbehave." ~ Captain Malcom Reynolds

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

A literary loss

Word today that Robert B. Parker has died peacefully in his home at 77.

Almost 30 years ago, whilst working in my first job at a used bookstore I recall a family friend with whom we regularly traded reading suggestions handing me a copy of "The Godwulf Manuscript" to read, suggesting I might like it. I loved it, and eagerly devoured many others through the years - coming to know and love the characters which Mr. Parker chose to share with us. Action, humor, character growth, and an examination of the changing world made each story a treat.

And to learn from them. For a young man who devoured books, raised by a hard-working single mom and who didn't have many reliable male role models around to learn from, Spenser was a great reminder of what an honorable man should be. It is my belief that every young male should read "Early Autumn" - and their fathers as well - the lessons are worth it. Mr. Parker wasn't biased either - his stories spoke equally of strong women being empowered to make their own choices in life.

Thank you for sharing your gift of words with us Mr. Parker. You will be missed.


Anonymous said...

Early Autumn, eh? How young of a young male? I have two. The eldest is 14.

Captain Tightpants said...

Well I was about that age when I read it, but there ARE some mature concepts and scenes. I would say you read it first and you can judge best if your son is ready yet or needs a couple more years. Plus it would give you a reference point if he came up with questions.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about this. :(

Dori said...

Beth... from what I know of your eldest, he would enjoy it. And laugh at the lame attempt at fashion. You'd enjoy it as well.