“May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.”

"This report is maybe 12-years-old. Parliament buried it, and it stayed buried till River dug it up. This is what they feared she knew. And they were right to fear because there's a whole universe of folk who are gonna know it, too. They're gonna see it. Somebody has to speak for these people. You all got on this boat for different reasons, but you all come to the same place. So now I'm asking more of you than I have before. Maybe all. Sure as I know anything I know this, they will try again. Maybe on another world, maybe on this very ground swept clean. A year from now, 10, they'll swing back to the belief that they can make people . . . better. And I do not hold to that. So no more running. I aim to misbehave." ~ Captain Malcom Reynolds

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Yes, I've been online long enough to relate to this...


Shirrelle J said...

that's a good one :)
unfortunately it's true....

TXGunGeek said...

Only have one thing to say.


MrGarabaldi said...

Unfortunately I relate, I was one of the few people that related to TRON the first time I saw it. dang..I hate getting old....

Anonymous said...

You and my hubby, ya dinosaurs;)
I didn't have e-mail until 1997! *gasp*

Jon said...

Telnet. I spent way too many of my formative years in telnet chats that allowed you to creat objects, go *into* objects and create more. I think at one point I'd 'built' a Nimitz class carrier and a Star Destroyer from Star Wars complete with different decks, hangers, aircraft/starfighters, etc. I got bored easy ;)

NotClauswitz said...

Aw man, rec.motorcycles.dirt on Usenet was pretty kewl... we even got together and rode - way better than rec.moto(rcycles) anyhow.

Anonymous said...

HAHA! Wow. Yep, I know the feeling.