“May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one.”

"This report is maybe 12-years-old. Parliament buried it, and it stayed buried till River dug it up. This is what they feared she knew. And they were right to fear because there's a whole universe of folk who are gonna know it, too. They're gonna see it. Somebody has to speak for these people. You all got on this boat for different reasons, but you all come to the same place. So now I'm asking more of you than I have before. Maybe all. Sure as I know anything I know this, they will try again. Maybe on another world, maybe on this very ground swept clean. A year from now, 10, they'll swing back to the belief that they can make people . . . better. And I do not hold to that. So no more running. I aim to misbehave." ~ Captain Malcom Reynolds

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Casting call

Jacob is currently working through The Hobbit as his bedtime story. He's done the graphic novel & the animated movie of course, but this is his first experience with me reading the words straight to him.

So, tonight as we are continuing through the opening scene at Bilbo's home, it struck me in both style and delivery who would be the perfect voice for Thorin Oakenshield - John Hillerman in his "Jonathan Higgins" voice from Magnum P.I. - the way his stories carry on, that bit of stodginess, all of it would work absolutely wonderfully.

If Peter Jackson casts him, I expect royalties...


Momma Fargo said...

LOL. Remember us small people when you guys are famous!

randompawses said...

Oh god, you're so right! I can hear it now.... LOL

wv = tromchr. Sounds almost like a LotR character - maybe a Dwarf or an Ent...?

Captain Tightpants said...

Randompawses - I'd have to label Tromchr as one of the Southron generals who comes in, but that's just me :D Don't think it's gutteral enough for Black Speech...

Anonymous said...

Oh, good call!

Daddy Hawk said...

I would never have thought about Hillerman in that role; but, now that you mention it, how about David Ogden Stiers as a second choice if Hillerman doesn't work out?

Captain Tightpants said...

K -
Hmmmm not sure about that. He'd do great voices, but just something in me makes me think of the dwarves all in English or Scottish voices.

Hell, I dunno - guess this is why I'm not in charge of casting!

Daddy Hawk said...

Okay. How about Sean Connery?

Captain Tightpants said...

Connery would have made a great Gandalf, but that's just me...