Start time for assembly: about 0845 am.
Finish time for assembly: about 0855 am.
Painting time this afternoon: about 5 minutes.
The seams aren't filled, nothing is sanded or detailed, and the paint job is a bit patchy.

And it is The. Best. Model. Ever. Built.

Because, you see, it was built with the assistance of my son Jacob, who has been after daddy to let him help with a model, and who loves dinosaurs with a three-year-old's passion. So, yesterday at the store we picked up
a kit for him, and first thing this morning he was bouncing up and down waiting for me to shower so we could work on his model. I glued, he held parts together and decided the order of things. He chose the colors, and helped with painting. And he spent the whole day thrilled with his new toy, and I couldn't have thought of a better way to spend the last day of the week with him.

Sigh. Honestly do not think I could ask for better men in my life!
That is the most awesome dinosaur...does he have a name?? Hope your trip way down south goes well!
Hey - just found out about your Bog thing on teh interwebs.
Great story - stoked for Jacob and t-rex.
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