So, for the past bit, police work has been quiet... no good stories or such to share...
Then, this past week I managed to have two of the "Momma Fargo" style head-banging-on-the-steering-wheel moments to remind me that I'm back at work.
The first was courtesy of some Federal counterparts, when we were out to do a dog & person bomb sweep before a VIP visit at one of our local airports. After we'd taken care of the buildings, the vehicles etc, the lead agent looks at me and says "So can you sweep the tarmac between here and where we're parking the plane please?" Said runway being as typically flat, level and clean of debris as any modern runway...
My partner and I both resisted the urge to simply look across the bare ground and say "Yep, cleared it." But trust me, it was an eye-rolling moment.
Then, this past weekend I worked another of our DUI patrols. Most of the night was slow & useless, due to the cold weather I think. Just before it was time to wrap everything up I managed to find mine though.
Our fun started with what I like to call the honesty game:
"So sir, how much have you had to drink tonight?"
"Me? Nothing."
"OK, you pretty much reek of alcohol, so let's try this again. How much did you have to drink?"
"Nothing," all said with eyes just about bleeding out of his head, and an inability to focus on anything at all.
So it's going to be one of those discussions I quickly deduce.
Then, looking at the center console I ask him, "What's in your glass there?" To which he gives me a vacant look, then before I can stop him picks it up and pours most of it out in the seat next to him...
After I get that issue stopped and resolved I ask him what the hell he was thinking. "Oh, I thought you wanted me to get rid of it."
The night continued much in that vein...